New Year, New You: Revisiting Your Resolutions for a Better You

Like many people in the new year, you probably set some New Year's Resolutions. Have you reached them? Made progress towards them? Or have you completely forgotten what they were? Well its time to revisit them.

If you have made progress towards your resolutions, good for you! You are one of the few. Studies have shown that only 8% of people actually accomplish their New Year's Resolutions, and most completely abandon them within 30 days. The number one reason people abandon their goals is because they don't have a game plan. You can't just set a goal and forget about it, you have to actually take action towards it.

First things first, did you write down your goal? People who write down their goals are more likely to achieve them. So write it down! It can be in a journal, on a post-it at your desk, on a vision board, or even as the lock screen on your phone. Just write it down. Now break it down. Create a roadmap to reaching your goal. Break your goal into smaller attainable steps. Something you can do each day, week or month. Then incorporate that into your routine. Set an end date to accomplish your goal.

Let's go back to January 1st and remember what your motivation for change was. Whether your goal was health and fitness related, financial, or personal, you had something motivating you to change. Does this still apply? You may find that this goal isn't right for you anymore and that's ok, revise it. Your priorities shift, plans change, you change, your goals can too. Maybe your original goal wasn't realistic and you need to re-evaluate the game plan.

Whatever you do, make sure that your goal is a SMART goal (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound). This will help make your vision a reality. There is still plenty of time left in 2022. Now that we have revisited and revised your New Year's Resolutions, what are you going to do in 2022?


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