Transform Your Health with Personalized Nutrition: Everything You Need to Know About Our Personal Fit Nutrition Program

The foods we eat play a vital role in how we look and feel. Yes, regular exercise is important to increase strength, endurance, and overall physical ability, but nutrition has the largest impact on our health. Food can be either medicine or poison, and fueling our bodies with the correct nutrients is critical in actually seeing the results that you are working so hard for.

Let us design a personal fit nutrition program for you! What is this exactly? A custom meal plan from 83 diet choices, access to our app for different plans, food substitutions, and shopping lists. Included with your online app access is three 1-on-1 meetings, before and after measurements, and a body fat scan and analysis. You will have ongoing access to your app dashboard for as long as you remain a client with EI.

During these 1-on1 meetings with our on-staff nutrition specialist, Lauren, you will be given a plan that is tailored specifically to your dietary needs, as well as your lifestyle. The best meal plan is one that is sustainable, enjoyable, and a balanced approach. Lauren will look at what you current nutrition habits are, make adaptations, and from there work with you to achieve the results that you desire. Whether your goal is to lose body fat, gain muscle, learn correct portion sizes, become more educated on what is in your food, or to shift into a whole new dieting approach, she can help!

After the conclusion of phase 1 of the Personal Fit program, you will get a discount on any follow-up support, education, and meal plans.

Fitness and nutrition go hand-in-hand when it comes to optimal health. A balanced diet supplies the nutrients your body needs to work effectively. Without proper nutrition, you are more prone to disease, infection, fatigue, increased body fat and low performance. So, let the EI team help you feel and look your best! Ask your trainer for more details.


A Critical Component of Exercise: Maintaining Proper Form